6 Months on from the Transplant

I haven’t blogged here for a fair while and as my new job essentially involves teaching others to blog, I thought it might be worth a quick update.

So, when we last spoke I’d just had a successful kidney transplant courtesy of my mom (her kidney that is, she didn’t perform the operation (Lazy). Thankfully the kidney is showing no signs of rejection, and I’m now back at work on a full time basis.

Having said that, between the transplant and now, I’ve had 1 additional operation, 2 biopsies, 1 MAG3 scan, 1 angiogram, countless ultrasound scans, 4 stays in hospital, 2 urinary tract infections, lots of meds and a few more scans and tests I’ve probably forgot.

Still, for all the prodding, hospital food and drugs, I now have a functioning renal system that removes the need for dialysis, and means I shouldn’t die young. Which is nice. For the above, I will of course be eternally grateful to my mom, for bravely donating her kidney, and the hospital staff at QE who did such a fantastic job patching me up, as well as Kat, friends and family for keeping me sane.

Anyway, before I begin thanking any I imaginary divine creators on my lunch break, I better sign off, right… about… here.

In the words of Europe…

It’s the final countdown. Next Tuesday, all things being well, I’ll be the proud owner of a new kidney. Well, I say new, it’ll actually be one of my mom’s old kidneys (unfortunately, when it comes to transplants, second hand is the only option….).

In fact I’ll have 3 kidneys by the end or the op, they just add one each time – rather than removing any, until you’re bursting at the seams, or something.

Today though, I have the first of numerous appointments. Today, I’m at QE Hospital for a line insertion. This means I’m having a tube inserted into my neck vain, in order for me to receive a pretransplant anti immunity treatment next Monday.

Anyway, I’m going in soon, so will leave it there.

Waiting for drugs


Okay, so this is a first for me; trying to write a blog post on my phone using a WordPress app. Apologies then for any crip spelling.

So where am I then, that demands I use such fiddly tech? Well, ad you may be able to glimpse from my surprisingly sock doiminated picture, I’m currently residing in ward D15 of new cross hospital in wolverhampton where I’ve been waiting hours for antibiotics to treat my peritonitus. As soon as the drugs arrive I can leave, and hopefully, make my cousin kev’s wedding reception down the Villa.

Last night was spent as such:

A midnight dash to the hospital
A 4 hour wait for a bed and/or doctor, mostly involving a snooze across 4 waiting room chairs
Antibiotics via dialysis followed by bed at 5:30am.

Fun fun.